Elizabeth Nisbet, Associate Professor
Elizabeth Nisbet is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration Major Coordinator at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. Her research focuses on how public policy shapes inequality and inequities in labor markets andĀ public servicesĀ and establishes boundaries between the public and private sectors. Her research projects include case studies of school board policy that regulates how private funds supporting schools are raised or allocated; a study of the effect of health and labor policy on the structure of jobs and working schedules of home care aides; and studies of the policy implementation process related to publicly-funded training programs and to immigration and labor policy that structures farm work.
Professor Nisbet’s articles have appeared in Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, Public Management Review, Policy Studies, Economic Development Quarterly, and Administration and Society. Prior to working at John Jay College, she was a postdoctoral associate at the Center for Women and Work at the School for Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University. She also had an extensive career in policy, programming, and research and evaluation for nonprofit organizations that operate domestic and international programs in education, economic security, and health, including the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Sesame Workshop, and Helen Keller International. She began her career as a legislative assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives.