Tanequa Strong, MPA
Tanequa Strong, a visionary, innovator, creative, solution-oriented, watch connoisseur, passionate about justice, community development and creating strategies. She currently holds an AAS in Paralegal Studies from LaGuardia Community College, BA in Political Science from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Master of Arts from NYACK College and currently enrolled in Master of Public Administration at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Convinced by her experience Tanequa believes that with the proper investment any life can be transformed for the better. She has founded two (2) community programs: I Am Your Brother and The Ageless Summit. I Am Your Brother (IAYB) is a mentorship program catered to inner city boys between the ages of 10 to 18 to provide mentoring and life-skills training. The Ageless Summit, an open forum for constituents of all ages and ethnicities to attend and create a diverse atmosphere of discussion, by covering issues such as health care, racial equity, family restoration, building police-community relations, and more.
Tanequa often states she was “Born to Confront”, in which is to confront systems and old structures. I look forward to working on the Executive Council as President of ICMA and continuing to learn from this great team and general body of John Jay MPA Students. BLOODHOUND’S LET’S GO!
Kunga Deki, MPA/MS
Kunga Deki completed her undergraduate study as a Global History major and Public Administration minor, and currently enrolled in the dual degree program for MPA in Public Policy & Administration and MS in Protection Management, with concentration on Emergency Management at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Ms. Deki has experience
working multiple projects, internships and employments focusing on public service, community engagement, and advocacy but not limited to it.
As an MPA/MS student and executive member of ICMA, she wishes to further develop her skillsets in improving the wellbeing of all members of our population, especially the disadvantaged or vulnerable populations. Her hobbies include training her dog (who is very stubborn), journaling, and most recently, learning Spanish.
Joelene Cheathem, MPA
Hello everyone! My name is Joelene Cheathem and I’m a Bronx native; born and raised. I am a grad student in the MPA Program (Management and Operations). I also attended John Jay as an undergrad back in 2010 and received my BA in Political Science in the spring of 2013. It has been six years’ since I’ve entered a classroom setting and let me tell you I was hesitant at first. But as soon as I sat in the classroom, I felt at ease like I have been missing a part of me and I was finally able to get that piece back. I am a new mommy to a beautiful and smart baby boy while juggling work and school – not easy but I’m striving on. My biggest passion is to give back to communities in any way that I can. My favorite hobbies are reading and writing. I could get lost in a book for hours and can nail an essay in a heartbeat. It is my pleasure and honor to accept the role of secretary for the ICMA executive council at John Jay. This opportunity will be a new learning experience and I am ready to retain everything I can. I am excited about the new journey and looking forward to creating positive relationships throughout the organization.