Post-Graduation Employment Data

2021-2022 MPA Post-Graduation Employment Data

179 MPA students earned MPA degrees at the end of spring 2022. A survey from that graduating cohort produced 165 responses (92% response rate). Below, is the summary of the post-graduation employment data:

2020-2021 MPA Post-Graduation Employment Data

212 of our students earned MPA degrees at the end of spring 2021. A survey from that graduating cohort produced 190 responses (90% response rate). Below, is the breakdown of our post-graduation employment data:

Program Modality

2019-2020 MPA Post-Graduation Employment Data

166 of our students earned MPA degrees at the end of spring 2020. A survey from that graduating cohort produced 145 responses (87% response rate). 88% of our 2020 graduates are employed. The breakdown for those employed graduates are below: 

31% in city, county, or other local government

25% in the private sector (not research/not consulting)

18% in non-profit domestic-oriented organizations 

14% in state, provincial, or regional government 

10% in United States federal government 

1% in military service 

1% obtaining further education  

Based on our 2019-2020 post-graduation employment survey, our recent graduates provided information about their individual annual salary and how the MPA Program benefited them in their careers.

The MPA Programs conducted a post-employment survey on our 2020 MPA graduates. 166 of our students received MPA degrees during the spring and summer 2020 semesters. A survey from the graduating cohort produced 145 responses from that group (87% response rate). Thus, there were 21 unknown placements. Of those who have responded to the survey, 92% of the graduates are employed or not seeking employment if unemployed.

2020 MPA Post-Employment Statistics
 MPA-PPA CampusMPA PPA OnlineMPA IO CampusMPA IO Online
National or central government  in the same country as the program7231
State, provincial or regional government  in the same country as the program9351
City, County, or other local government  in the same country as the program24781
Foreign government  (all levels) or international quasi-governmental0000
Nonprofit domestic-oriented13262
Nonprofit/NGOs internationally-oriented0000
Private Sector – Research/Consulting0000
Private Sector but not research/ consulting46175
Military Service0010
Obtaining further education0010
Unemployed seeking employment6051
Unemployed not seeking employment2030
Total Number of Graduates65204911